Beer Pong Leagues 2008-2011
If you were living in San Diego, Carolina, Monterey Bay, or Las Vegas and were in to Pong Tournaments and wanted to join a league, this was the site for you.
Content is from the site's 2008-2011 archived pages, giving the visitor just a taste of what this site used to offer.
The site is now to be used only for historical purposes.

beer pong
a drinking game in which players attempt to throw or hit table tennis balls into cups of beer, and their opponents are required to drink the contents of any cup in which a ball lands.
2010 SanDiego League Beer Pong Posts
Thurday Night Beer Pong Tournament
12891 Campo Road
Spring Valley, CA
$10 A TEAM
Cabo Cantina Beer Pong Tournament
February 19 2010
RAIN or SHINE - The games will go on! The patio area is covered.
On Saturday, March 6, 2010 San Diego Beer Pong along with will be having their second beer pong tournament of 2010 at Cabo Cantina in Pacific Beach, CA. While we are still including your beer or all the beer pong matches, still extending the 2 for 1 drink specials at the bar, and still having an amazing time doing it, we are giving out prizes to the top four teams!!!
The Cabo Cantina Beer Pong Tournaments have been one of the best events have been running. It is a one day, single elimination tournament held in Pacific Beach. Teams can sign up online for a good discount or pay a bit more at the door. Beer is included for the games and 2 for 1 happy hour is given to all players for any extra drinking they might endure. The top team will take home the cash prize.
How do I Sign Up?
- 12:30 pm Walk up sign-ins start
- Cabo Cantina
- 1050 Garnet Ave.
- Pacific Beach, CA 92109
- League Rules
- $30 - All guy or mixed teams ($40 at the door)
- $10 - All girl teams ($15 at the door)
- 1st Place - $200
- 2nd Place - $100
- 3rd Place - $50
- 4th Place -$50
Discounts / Promotions
- Sign up online using the link below to get the early registration price.
- ** Get three new teams to sign up and receive a T-Shirt.
Game play
- Beer during game play is included
- 2 for 1 Side Drinks
- If a full 32 or 64 Team bracket is not full, buy-backs may be allowed in 1st round only.
- Single Elimination
Date 08.02.2011 - 08.02.2011
Title Press Box - Cash Tournament
Venue Press Box Sports Lounge
City San Diego

Grady's Groupies Take McMurphy's Spring League
March 13 2010
Well the Spring league is finally over and of course it turned out exactly as many of us thought it would. First of all we would like to thank all the teams that actually showed up for finals week this league, since last league we had a whole 8 teams show up for finals week. And now Id like to congratulate Gradys Groupies, Billy and Grady, for taking home the big first place prize, wet pants and all thanks to Kelly. Congrats are also in order to Team Brosephs who once again took home second.
There was alot of good competition this league and we hope that everyone enjoyed themselves. We hope to see everyone join us for the next league at McMurphys Pub and at Cabo Cantina every first Saturday of the month for our monthly cash tournaments. Stay tuned to the website and make sure to check your emails for more information on the next league. Till then everyone keep practicing.
All Year Takes Down First Place
March 08 2010
First of all we would like to thank everyone that showed up on Saturday despite the weather. We had a great turn out for the tournament this month. Congratulations to Jeremy and Eric of All Year for taking 1st place this month. There were some stiff competition out there for the month of March. We had a lot of familiar faces as well as some kick-ass newcomers.
We'd also like to congratulate Balls Deep for taking 2nd and From Unda Cheese and Meep Mop for taking 3rd and 4th place. There was some great competition out there this month, but some teams just didn't have very much luck. Congratulations to the winners and for the losers come to our next monthly tournament for a chance at the cash again.
Congratulations to our top 4 teams as they took down the cash and probably spent it on a few lap dances at their local strip clubs. When asked if he had any particular advice for newbies, Nuker team captain Billy J pointed to his Batman t shirt. "This is the key to success - gotta have Batman on your side for sure. Note that we all are fans of the Dark Knight, and that's especially true when beer is involved, so don't knock it! Wearing these Ts in the heat of competition is our edge." Apparently invoking Batman karma is not a frivolous endeavor when it comes to championship Beer Pong and these guys definitely do whatever it takes to win. Can't argue with success.
5 and We're Almost Done
March 05 2010
We are done with week 5 and with finals fast approaching we have had a much needed change of events. Like I said last week everything can change over the course of one week and it has. It seems that the veterans have dusted out the cobwebs and cleaned out all the dust bunnies and 6 veteran teams have found themselves in the top 8. So newbies keep trying and possibly next week will work out better for you.
For those of you that don't know or it's been so long that you've forgotten here's how week 6 is going to go..... You will come in and play your scheduled games for week 6. Casey and Ronny will be putting your scores in the computer as we go. At the end of all the scheduled games the top 8 teams will proceed to the play offs. We will watch in amazement to see this league's champions play , while some of us others will be playing our annual 100 cup 5 on 5 beer pong game.
Good luck to everyone next week, may the beer pong gods shine upon you in hopes that you make it to the top 8.
February 25 2010
We're now past week 4 of our league and like I said before the teams are dropping like flies. Hopefully, we will not have a repeat of last league and have only 8 teams show up finals night. For all you newcomers I would like to warn you all in advance that the last week is no joke. Last week is important and right now you may be sitting pretty, but the last week can make or break you. In many leagues past we have had teams that thought they were sitting pretty in 4th or 5th place and have been knocked out of the finals by someone way down the ranks that had an awesome night. Not to mention those 4 or 5 games you play the last week aren't it. If you make it to the finals you have to play that many more games. So my advice is don't let down your guard because if you think that your on top the world now that's even farther that you have to fall when one of those lower ranked teams comes creepin' up on you.
Everyone keep up the good work and play your hardest every game because you don't know if you'll be seeing that team again in the finals.

Monterey Bay League Beer Pong Posts
Kula Ranch - Tuesdays
February 09 2010
Hey everyone, Kula Ranch in Marina Cali has a weekly Beer Pong Tournament. Not only that but its Taco Tuesday! 1.00 Tacos, HELLA drink specials, DJ, dancing, outside firepits, and more! Party starts @ 8pm..Tourny starts @ 10:00pm sharp every Tuesday!! Good competition so bring your best game! Ask for Salena the Beer Pong Chic, U will find her in a Ref outfit. See u there!!
Location :
Kula Ranch
3295 Dunes Road
Marina,CA 93933
(831) 883-9479
Blue Fin - Wednesday Nights
August 06 2009
Monterey Beer Pong - Blue Fin
July 28 2009 and the Blue Fin have hooked up to bring the Blue Fin back to the top of Monterey's night life. Every Wednesday night, the Blue Fin will host beer pong on the second floor of the Cannery Row building. From 8PM til closing, the Blue Fin will have a college night for all the MPC, Hartnell, and CSUMB pongers. $3 domestic beers, $5 well drinks, and 1/2 off appetizers make the Blue Fin Wednesday Night #1 in Monterey.
Monterey Events
Kula Ranch
Tue 03/16 at 08:00PM
$$$Cash Money$$$ Apx 150.00 Prize giveaway every week!
2009 Carolina League Beer Pong Posts
WSOBP V Satellite Tournament - Charlotte
September 01 2009
Come play beer pong with some of the best and worst players in Charlotte!!! Carolina Beer Pong will have a one day, single elimination tournament held at Tilt in Charlotte. Teams can sign up online for a good discount or pay a bit more at the door. The top team will take home the $1200 ticket to the World Series of Beer Pong held in Las Vegas, NV from January 1st through the 5th of 2010. If you don't want to go then we will give you $600 cash!
How do I Sign Up?
- Sign up online here
- 3:00 pm Walk up sign-ins and registrations start
- Tilt
- 127 W. Trade St, Charlotte, NC
- Games Start at 4 PM
Music Frenzy Festival Free Beer Pong Tournament
April 13 2009
Carolina Beer Pong Champs - Fuckin Skanks
February 23 2009
Fuckin Skanks took home the cash at Carolina Beer Pong's Last Beer Pong Tourney
Carolina Beer Pong Wednesdays
February 04 2009

Official Rules of The World Series of Beer Pong
These rules are designed with three purposes in mind:
Fairness to all players
Efficiency in running a maximum number of games simultaneously
Minimization of possible disputes between participants
Tournament Structure
Prelims will take place on the first two days of the event (January 2 and January 3)
Each team will play 6 games per day (for a total of 12 games) during prelims. Opponents will be chosen randomly. For each game in prelims, one team will have choice of table side, and the other team will have choice of first possession.
Each team will receive a schedule of their preliminary opponents. The schedule will indicate which team has choice of possession and which team has choice of table side.
Scoring of Prelims
After each game in prelims, a scorecard must be filled in and signed by a member of each team. The scorecard should be filled out with the following information: name of the winning team, name of the losing team, round number, table number, and the number of cups remaining on the losing team's side. In the event of a forfeit, an 'F' should be placed in the "remaining cups" section.
At the conclusion of prelims, all teams will be ranked, first by number of wins, and then by "Total Cup Differential". Note that there are no 'divisions' for WSOBP IVTM .
"Total Cup Differential" is defined as the sum of the "Cup differentials" for all games actually played. ?For each game played, the winning team receives a "cup differential" equal to the number of cups remaining on the opponents side. The losing team receives a negatie ?cup differential for each cup remaining on his side.
In the event of a forfeit, the forfeiting team receives a Loss and a cup differential of -3. The opposing team receives a Win and a cup differential of +3..
Finals will take place on the third day of the event (January 4), and will conclude with a standard 32-team double elimination bracket.
Approximately two-thirds of the field will be eliminated prior to the Final day. The exact structure will be posted to BPONG.COM well in advance of the Tournament.
Any ties for pertinent seeds will be broken first by head-to-head results, if possible, and then by a strength-of-schedule calculation. In the event that a tie still remains at the end of day 2, tiebreaker games will be held.
Tables: 8' x 2' x 27.5" BPONG Tables
Balls: 40 mm 3-Star Tournament Grade BPONGTM Balls
Cups: BPONGTM 16 oz. cups
Top width: 3-5/8"
Height: 4-5/8"
Base width: 2-1/4"
Game Setup
Cup Formation
10 cups per team
Starting formation is a "tight triangle" formation (rims touching), pointing towards the opposing side.
The 10-cup triangle must be centered on the table and the back row of cups must be within 1 inch of the edge of the table.
Cups must not be tilted or leaned against the surrounding cups.
Content of Cups
24 ounces of beer or water will be used per team and will be distributed evenly in the 6 front cups. The back 4 cups will be filled 1/3 with water. These water cups are not for consumption--they are to be reused every round.
Playing the Game
Shooting and Table Sides
In prelims, first possession will be determined by random selection. Each team will receive a printed schedule which will indicate which team has choice of first shot. The team not receiving choice of shot gets to choose which side of the table his team will shoot from.
On day three, possession and table side will be chosen by the team with the superior rank in prelims. In the event of a tie (two teams with the same win-loss record and Cup Differential Per Game), a coin toss will determine who chooses to shoot.
The team with first possession will get one (1) shot. Each team will get two (2) shots for each turn thereafter, one shot per team member, subject to any other rules below.
The ball in play may be grabbed, however ONLY after it has already made contact with a cup, but not while the ball is in the cup. You may not grab before the ball has hit a cup.
In the event of player interference prior to the ball making contact with a cup, (aka premature grabulation), a one-cup penalty will be imposed for the interference. The thrower who had his or her shot interfered with may choose the cup to be removed.
Bounce Shots: Players ARE allowed to let their shots bounce off of the table before making it to the cup.. In accordance with B(2) above, bounce-shots may not be interfered with until they have made contact with a cup. It should be noted that bounce-shots\do NOT count for two cups.
Balls may not be interfered with while inside of a cup. I.e., no fingering.
Cups must be reformed at 6, 3, and 1 cups remaining according to the diagram below:
Racks must be aligned to the center of the table.? When one cup is remaining, the cup shall always be pulled back to within an inch of the end of the table, and it shall be placed in the center of the table.
Cups that drift out of position may be reformed at the request of the thrower.
Rollbacks - The Pope's Rule
In general, if both players on a team sink his/her shot on the same turn, that team will get one (1) additional rollback shot, not two. The only exception to this rule is during redemption shots in a Finals game, in which case both balls are rolled back.
Either teammate may take the rollback shot.
"Miracles" - If a shot happens to land and stay on top of the cups, that shot will count as a miss. Congratulations - you are lucky, but you have not proved that you have any pong skills at all. If you can prove to us that you can intentionally land a ball on the cups on demand, we'll consider changing this rule. Until then, put the ball in the cup - that is the point of the game.
Leaning will be permitted, with the following considerations:
A player may not place a hand/foot/leg/penis/whatever on the table in order to gain additional reach and/or leverage.
Players may not edge themselves around the table when they throw.
Under no circumstances may a player shoot with any part of his or her body on (against is permitted) the table. Of course, if you have a beer gut that must rest on the table because there's nothing else you can do with it; the "beer gut on the table" exception will apply.
Incidental contact aside, a player may not move the cups out of position with his hand or any part of his body. Any prolonged leaning which results in lateral movement or tilting of cups is prohibited and will result in a one-cup penalty (the choice of cup will be granted to the opposing team).
Beer Pong Events, LLC will not be liable for the resulting ridicule excessively leaning players are bound to receive from other participants.
Distractions are permitted with the following restrictions (subject to a one cup penalty)
Players may not cross the plane of play (the imaginary plane which runs vertically and separates you from your cups) with any part of their bodies, clothing, or other objects, while the ball is in play. To avoid violating this rule, just stand back a few feet from your cups.
Players may not fan, blow, or otherwise intentionally create an air current surrounding the cups in play.
Distractions should not violate any local, state, or federal laws.
The Dipshit Not Paying Attention Rule
If TEAM1 knocks over one of its own cups, that dipshit's team (TEAM1) loses that cup(s). However, if the other team (TEAM2) also contains dipshits not paying attention that do not catch the first team of dipshits (TEAM1) knocking over their cup, then TEAM1 may keep that cup.
Balling your own cups
In the event that a player who has possession of the ball drops that ball into his own cups either accidentally or intentionally, no penalty is taken.
In the event that a player who does not have possession of the ball comes in contact with the ball and as a result that ball enters one of his own cups, such as by unintentionally acting as a backboard, that shot IS counted.
Ball Interference
Interference is defined as any contact, intentional or otherwise, between game pieces (balls or cups) and any other objects.
In the event of player interference prior to the ball making contact with a cup (aka Premature Grabulation), a one-cup penalty will be imposed for the interference. The thrower who had his or her shot interfered with may choose the cup to be removed.
In the event of interference on the part of non-players, such as spectators or officials, the shot is replayed.
In the event that a player drops his/her ball into one of his/her own cups, no penalty is enforced. (See "Balling your own cups")
All objects sitting on the table are considered part of the table for the purpose of determining interference. Specifically, if a shot bounces off of an errant object on the table (such as a water cup, a cup that has already been hit, a personal can of beer, etc) and then goes into a live cup, that shot is counted.
The previous clause notwithstanding, the playing area should be kept as clear as possible at all times. Specifically, no objects should placed in between the opposing cup formations.
Cup Interference
In the event that a player knocks over his or her own cups, those cups are to be counted as though sunk and removed from the table. They are not to be refilled or replaced unless the dipshits are not paying attention (See: Dipshit Not Paying Attention Rule).
In the event that cups are knocked over by any non-player, those cups are not counted as sunk, and are to be refilled and replaced in their appropriate positions on the table.
In the event that cups drift or are otherwise moved out of formation, those cups may be replaced in their appropriate positions upon request from the opposing team.
Drifters: In the event that a cup drifts out of its position while a ball attempting to sink those cups is in mid-flight, the shot may be re-tossed only in the event that it was not an airball, i.e. the ball must have had a chance of making the cup that drifted.
Cup Adjustment: Cups may NOT be moved or adjusted while the ball is being released, or while the ball is in mid-flight. Doing so incurs a 1-cup penalty.
Balls Knocking Over Cups: Cups should be filled to the point where it is not possible to knock the cup over with the ball. However, in the event that a ball does knock a cup over, the shot is counted as a hit, UNLESS it is absolutely clear that the ball had not entered the cup before it was knocked over, in which case the cup is reset and the shot is considered a miss.
Interference During Reformation
Players are not allowed to shoot until the opposing team has clearly finished reforming. In the event that the thrower shoots before this:
A cup made does not count and the opposing team receives possession of the ball.
A missed shot is counted as a miss and the opposing team receives possession of the ball.
Ending the Game
Redemption (A.K.A. Rebuttle) & Overtime (note that this applies for all games played during the WSOBP)
Two scenarios are possible in finals:
More than one cup per side remaining when the last cup is sunk. In this case, "Unlimited 1-ball Redemption" is given. Either player may take the first shot, and the ball is rolled back until a player misses. At this time, players MUST alternate throwers in the event of multiple hits-one player may NOT take all the redemption shots.
One cup vs. one cup remaining when the last cup is sunk. In this case the rule is, "Take as many shots as you have balls remaining on your side". For example:
Your opponent misses their first shot, but sinks the second into your last cup. You get 2 chances to redeem, i.e. you may miss once.
Opponent sinks your last cup on their first shot. You get 1 chance to redeem.
If an opponent sinks your last 3 cups in 1 turn, you get 2 chances to hit last cup, i.e. you may miss once.
Successful redemption results in initiation of a 3-cup overtime, with the dominant team (the team which would have won had their opponents not redeemed), selecting possession.
Overtime (3-cup)
Overtime formation is a tight triangle.
The dominant team (the team which would have won had their opponents not redeemed) selects which side shoots first.
The same redemption and rollback rules apply during overtime as apply pre-overtime.
A dispute is not considered to be valid unless witnessed by two or more individuals. In the event of a valid dispute, that game is considered paused and an official must be notified. Any witnesses to the event in question must remain at the table until the dispute has been resolved. All calls made by the referee are final. Intentional abuse of game rules and/or disputation without adequate cause is grounds for ejection from the tournament.
Absentee Players
In the event that a player is temporarily absent, no substitution may be made.? The game continues without the missing player; i.e. that team receives only one shot per side until the missing player returns.
In the event that a player is forced to vacate the venue by the owner of the venue, Beer Pong Events, LLC, hired security, or any other entity deemed to be authoritative on this matter at the sole discretion of Beer Pong Events, LLC, the team will forfeit the rest of the tournament, will not be permitted back in the venue, and will not be entitled to any refund, in whole or in part, of any fees paid for the event or any associated activities.
All players are to conduct themselves in a matter respectful to other players, referees, and the sport of Beer Pong. Unacceptable conduct will result in severe punitive action, to be applied at the discretion of the referees. Unacceptable conduct includes, but is not limited to, fighting, abuse of referees, abuse of other players, abuse of beer (excessive spilling), etc.
Interpretation of Rules
Final interpretation of these rules is made at the sole discretion of the referees.
Official Beer Pong Rules
- Basics: Win the game by eliminating all your opponents’ cups. Cups are eliminated by shooting a beer pong ball into the cup.
- Setup: Place 10 cups inside each triangle and fill with liquid to the first line at the bottom of the cup. 2 beer pong balls shot per team (one per teammate)
- First Shooter: The visiting team shoots first. If the Home/Visitor is not clear, flip a coin or rochambeau for it.
- Side Choice: The home team gets side choice.?
- Bouncing: A beer pong ball can be bounced or thrown into the defending team’s cup, if the ball is bounced off the table, even unintentionally and goes into the cup, another cup is eliminated as well. The defending team chooses the extra cup to remove. Bounces off cups, people or objects besides the table that did not intentionally interfere with the ball do not count as a bounce.
- Defending: Once the beer pong ball bounces off any object including the cup, the defending team may swat or block the beer pong ball from going in. If a beer pong ball is swatted or blocked without prior bouncing then the defending team is penalized 1 cup. However, if you knock over a cup at any time, the cup is eliminated. No blowing or fingering allowed. Blocking the view of the cups or tapping the table at any time is prohibited. If a knocked over cup is 1 of 2 successful shots, both cups count however, you do not get the balls back.
- Leaning: Leaning is allowed as long as one foot is on the ground. Your feet must stay behind the table.
- Successful Shots: Successful beer pong ball shots should be left in the cup until the round is over.
- Slo Ball Placement: This is where the defending team moves the beer pong ball of a successful shot to the back of the cup so the next shot bounces off the ball and out of the cup. This is not allowed. Any beer pong balls touched inside of a cup can be removed at the request of the shooting team.
- Comebacks: If the shooting team makes both beer pong balls in two separate cups then both cups are eliminated and the team gets to shoot again.
- The Bomb: If the shooting team makes both shots in the same cup, then a total of 3 cups are eliminated. If one of the shots were bounced in, it will count as 3 total cups and the balls will be returned to the shooting team.
- Re-Rack: Cups may be re-racked when there are exactly 3 or 6 cups left. Example: if you have 7 cups and clear 2 cups in 1 turn you can not re-rack at 5 cups. Re-racks are to be placed at the back of the triangle. You cannot re-rack in the middle of a turn, comebacks don't count as a new turn.?
- Sliders: Any cup that has slid or is tilted out of formation can be fixed at the request of the shooting team.
- Last Cup: When down to one cup and the shooting team clears their cup the defending team gets rebuttal shots.
- The Rebuttal: Rebuttal shots are only offered for the defending team. The rebutting team gets 1 shot per cup left on the table and they must clear all the cups to go into overtime. Upon each cup made, the defending team pulls the cup. Bounces and bombs do not count on rebuttals.
- Overtime: Two rounds of overtime are played with rebuttals, the 3rd round will move to sudden death, NO REBUTTALS. In overtime the table is reset to a 3 cup vs. 3 cup play-off. The team which would have won the game shoots first. Sudden death is 1 shot vs. 1 shot until someone makes it.
- Venue: All house conduct, dress code, and drinking rules are enforced and may vary for each venue. Any team member asked to leave the venue will cause the team to forfeit all games for the day. No refunds will be given.
- Fighting: Any physical confrontations will result in forfeit of game and ejection from league or tournament as well as all future events. No refunds will be given.
- Drinking: Drinking of alcoholic beverages is optional! Please drink responsibly. Do Not Drink and Drive!
League/Tournament Beer Pong Rules
- Time Limit: Matches have a 25 min time limit. Once the 25 mins time limit is reached the team with the most cups eliminated wins, if there are an equal number of cups left at the 25 min time limit, next cup wins. The official will make the call. Normal rebuttal rules apply.
- Start Time: Each team needs to be match ready by 5 mins after schedule start otherwise the team will forfeit the match.
- Overtime: There are an unlimited number of overtime rounds, no sudden death. It counts as a one cup win.
- Reporting: The losing team is responsible for reporting or recording the scores immediately after each match.
- Substitutes: Substitutes are allowed if both teams agree. Substitutes not registered with must sign waiver.
- Scheduling: Any scheduling conflicts will be settled at agreed upon time and table. Sorry entering over 200 games could lead to a typo.
- Forfeits: A forfeit victory counts as a 3-0 cup win.
6 Cup Beer Pong Rules
- Basics: Win the game by eliminating all your opponents’ cups. Cups are eliminated by shooting a ping pong ball into the cup.
- Setup: Place 6 cups inside each triangle and fill with liquid to the first line at the bottom of the cup. 2 ping-pong balls shot per team (one per teammate)
- First Shooter: The visiting team shoots first. If the Home/Visitor is not clear, flip a coin.
- Side Choice: The home team gets side choice.
- Bouncing: A ping-pong ball can be bounced or thrown into the defending team’s cup, if the ball is bounced off the table and goes into the cup, another cup is eliminated as well. The defending team chooses the extra cup to remove. Bounces off cups, people or objects besides the table that did not intentionally interfere with the ball do not count as a bounce.
- Defending: Once the ping-pong ball bounces off any object besides the cup the defending team may swat or block the ping-pong ball from going in. If a ping-pong ball is swatted or blocked without prior bouncing then the defending team is penalized 1 cup. However, if you knock over a cup at any time, the cup is eliminated. No blowing or fingering allowed. Blocking the view of the cups or tapping the table at any time is prohibitted.
- Leaning: Leaning is allowed as long as both feet are on the ground behind the table and no part of your body touches the table.
- Successful Shots: Successful beer pong ball shots should be left in the cup until the round is over.
- Slo Ball Placement: This is where the defending team moves the beer pong ball of a successful shot to the back of the cup so the next shot bounces off the ball and out of the cup. This is not allowed. Any beer pong balls touched inside of a cup can be removed at the request of the shooting team.
- Comebacks: If the shooting team makes both beer pong balls in two seperate cups then both cups are eliminated and the team gets to shoot again.
- The Bomb: If the shooting team makes both shots in the same cup, then a total of 3 cups are eliminated.
- Re-Rack: Cups may be re-racked when there are 4, 3, 2, and 1 cups left. Re-racks are at the bottom of the triangle. You can not re-rack in the middle of a turn, comebacks don't count as a new turn. Re-racks only can occur on exactly 6 and 3 cups. Example: if you have 7 cups and clear 2 cups in 1 turn you can not re-rack at 5 cups.
- Sliders: Any cup that has slid or is tilted out of formation can be fixed at the request of the shooting team.
- Last Cup: When down to one cup and the shooting team clears their cup the defending team gets rebuttal shots. In a situation where there are 2 or 3 cups left on the table and the shooting team makes both shots eliminating all cups, NO REBUTTAL shots are offered.
- The Rebuttal: Rebuttal shots are only offered for the defending team if they have 3 or less cups remaining. The rebutting team gets as many shots as they have cups left on the table and they must clear all the cups for a push. Regular rules apply. Bounces and bombs count.
- Overtime: Two rounds of overtime are played with rebuttals, the 3rd round will move to sudden death, NO REBUTTALS. In overtime the table is reset to a 3 cup vs. 3 cup play-off. Home team shoots first in overtime 1, away team shoots first in overtime 2. Sudden death is 1 shot vs. 1 shot until someone makes it.
- Scheduling: Any scheduling conflicts will be settled at agreed upon time and table. Sorry entering over 200 games could lead to a typo.
- Venue: All house conduct, dress code, and drinking rules are enforced and may vary for each venue. Any team member asked to leave the venue will cause the team to forfeit all games for the day. No refunds will be given.
- Fighting: Any physical confrontations will result in forfeit of game and ejection from league or tournament as well as all future events. No refunds.
- Drinking: Drinking of alcoholic beverages is optional! Please drink responsibly.